Our Grants

Improving the Quality of Life

Grant 01Against Malaria Foundation

AMF helps protect people from malaria. They fund anti-malaria nets, specifically long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), and work with distribution partners to ensure they are used. They track and report on net use and their impact. The equivalent of two 747s full of children under age 5 die from malaria every day and malaria is one of the world’s single largest killers of pregnant women. For the last 14 years, AMF has been considered one of the top ranked charities in the world in terms of impact and cost effectiveness by the leading independent charity evaluator GiveWell.

Visit their website: https://www.againstmalaria.com/Default.aspx

Grant 02WildAid

The illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion dollar global industry driven by consumer demand in expanding economies. WildAid works to reduce global consumption of wildlife products and to increase local support for conservation efforts. This organization delivers cost-effective, long-term solutions for protecting wildlife against imminent threats, such as illegal trade, poaching, and human wildlife conflict. In addition, WildAid protects wildlife across the globe by reducing demand for wildlife products with world-class communications campaigns that support stronger policies and improved enforcement, and inspire public support for stronger conservation. By reducing consumption of wildlife and bushmeat, and closing commercial trade in live wild animals in key target countries, WildAid is also helping to prevent another zoonotic disease pandemic. WildAid also increases the effectiveness of marine protected areas through new technology, professional training, and capacity building.

Visit their website: https://wildaid.org/

Grant 03Village Enterprise

Village Enterprise works to end extreme poverty in rural Africa through entrepreneurship and innovation. Using a community-based, holistic approach, the Village Enterprise program supports first-time entrepreneurs to move beyond extreme poverty by equipping them with all the resources, knowledge, and leadership needed to start sustainable businesses and savings groups. This allows participants to be self-reliant to meet their needs and build better futures for themselves and their children. It also fosters gender equity as their female entrepreneurs (83% of program participants) are empowered and hold larger household and community decision-making roles.

Visit their website: https://villageenterprise.org/

Grant 04Amref

Amref Health Africa is the largest Africa-based healthcare nonprofit in the world. In 2021, their services reached over 20 million people throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Their programs cover all critical healthcare needs, including:

- Maternal and child health
- Clean water and proper sanitation
- Infectious diseases (HIV/AIDs, TB, malaria, COVID-19, etc.)
- Noncommunicable diseases (cancer, heart disease, etc.)
- Surgical Outreach
- Training local healthcare workers

Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, 97% of their global staff are African, so they are always tackling African challenges with African expertise.

Visit their website: https://amrefusa.org/

Grant 05Education without Borders

Education without Borders (EwB) provides educational opportunities in South Africa (and Canada) for disadvantaged and at-risk children. EwB enriches education offered at selected under resourced schools with supplementary mathematics, English, science, and leadership programs. In South Africa, EwB also offers Home language enrichment programs for young children. A portion of EwB revenue is allocated to local Indigenous youth projects in British Columbia, Canada. These programs expand students’ future career and job opportunities, help strengthen their families and communities, and break the cycle of poverty.

Visit their website: www.educationwithoutborders.ca

Grant 06Anti-Defamation League

ADL is the leading anti-hate organization in the world. Founded in 1913, its timeless mission is “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” Today, ADL continues to fight all forms of antisemitism and bias, using innovation and partnerships to drive impact. A global leader in combatting antisemitism, countering extremism and battling bigotry wherever and whenever it happens, ADL works to protect democracy and ensure a just and inclusive society for all.

Visit their website: www.adl.org

Grant 07Afrika Tikkun

Afrika Tikkun is a non-profit organization dedicated to the holistic development of young lives in impoverished communities in South Africa. They support young people and their families at each stage of their academic, personal and social development using their Cradle-to-Career 360˚model. This model takes into consideration the social and economic factors that impact their learning by providing programs that include primary healthcare, family support services, empowerment, nutrition and food security.

Visit their website: www.afrikatikkun.org

Grant 08CAMFED

CAMFED is a pan-African, grassroots led movement tackling poverty, inequality and injustice through girls’ educations and women’s leadership. Their focus is on vulnerable girls and young women in rural areas of Africa. CAMFED has created a model that sees girls’ education as the starting point for social change. It shows that partnering with communities to unlock the leadership potential of groups of girls and women on the margins of society creates a multiplier effect like no other, delivering the only sustainable and ascendable way of addressing the world’s problems with the urgency required.

Visit their website: www.camfed.org

Grant 09Save the Children

Save the Children believes that every child deserves a future. Since its founding over 100 years ago, this organization has changes the lives of over 1 billion children. Save the Children works with local and national governments in the United States and around the world to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn, and protection from harm. This organization is a world leader in protecting children in conflict, identifying their needs, advocating for their safety and providing mental health and psychosocial support. For example, due to the impact of conflict and climate change, Save the Children is responding to the immense needs of vulnerable African children and families by helping to improve access to healthcare and education. It also works to protect children from child trafficking, forced early marriage and child labor.

Visit their website: www.savethechildren.org